Cancel an appointment
If you cannot keep an appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible so we can help another patient.
Cancel using the NHS app or website
The NHS app is a quick way to access NHS services. Using the NHS app means you do not need to enter your personal details each time you contact the surgery. You can read more about the app on the NHS website.
You can cancel an appointment online using the NHS app or website.
You will need the NHS app or your NHS account login details.
Cancel using SystmOnline
You can cancel an appointment online using SystmOnline.
You will need a SystmOnline account.
Contact the surgery using an online form
You can cancel an appointment by contacting the surgery using an online form.
We’ll ask for your NHS number, but it’s not essential you have this.
Contact the surgery using an online form
You can cancel an appointment by contacting the surgery using an online form.
Contact the surgery by phone
You can cancel an appointment by calling the surgery.