Medequip Amnesty Bin
At the Practice we now have an amnesty bin available to the public. Amnesty bins make it easier for people to return on loan community equipment like walking frames and crutches. Unfortunately, a lot of this equipment never finds its way back to the issuing authority, where it can be cleaned and safely reused.With full details on how to return the items once they are no longer required please visit the website shown in the attachment below.Medequip is the leading provider of community equipment services to local authorities and the NHS across the UK, delivering a wide range of equipment and support to people in their own homes, keeping people independent for longer. This experience enables Medequip to be an ideal partner/supplier to any care provider including Nursing and Residential homes, Charities and Sheltered Housing as well as wholesale supply to Retailers and direct to Consumers through our ecommerce website.
Published on 26 March 2024