Junior Doctor Strikes Update
The tenth round of junior doctor strike action in England will take place from 7am on Saturday 24 February to the end of Wednesday 28 February 2024. This will be a full walkout.
Junior doctors should not attend any duties starting after 6.59am on Saturday 24 February, and continue to strike all duties that start and end on strike days up to the end of Wednesday 28 February, including duties that end at midnight. However, duties that start on Wednesday 28 February and end after 00.00 on Thursday 29 February should be completed in full, including starting the duty on Wednesday 28 February.
Where junior doctors are rostered to work a shift during the daytime on Wednesday 28 February, followed by a non-resident on-call duty overnight, these should be treated as separate duties. This includes where the doctor may be labelled as ‘on call’ while already present at their workplace during the earlier daytime shift, and where the two duties (the daytime shift plus the non-resident on-call duty overnight) may be labelled on a rota singly as a combined ‘on call’ duty.
If you have any questions about Outpatient appointments or procedures, please contact Sheffield Teaching Hospitals on 01142434343 rather than the Practice as we have no further information.
Published on 21 February 2024